#470: Now is the BEST time in 18 years to trade the Forex market

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


Now is the BEST time in 18 years to trade the Forex market  Podcast: Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course #470: Now is the BEST time in 18 years to trade the Forex market In this video: 00:28 – The best time to be trading the Forex market in 18 years 00:56 – I’ve seen all trading conditions in my time as a trader 01:23 – What are your trading options right now? 03:06 – Inflation and interest rates 05:00 – The cost of shipping 06:02 – What are you going to do about it? 06:43 – About to lose your job? 07:10 – Blueberry Markets is my broker of choice 07:35 – My 5 Star rated Forex Coaching Program  Right now is the very best time I've ever seen in the last 18 years to start trading the Forex market. Let me explain why right now. Hey, there, traders. This is Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of the Forex Trading Coach with the video and podcast number 470. The best time to be trading the Forex market in 18 years And I want to explain to you why I think after 18 years of trading the Forex market, right now is possibly the best and the most important time of why you should really strongly consider trading. If you've not traded yet, think about it seriously, getting into it now. If you have started to trade and it's just not working, this is also for you because right now is the most important time. Let me explain why. I’ve seen all trading conditions in my time as a trader After 18 years I've seen all sorts of different things happen and conditions in the market, et cetera. All that has happened, presidents, different things have come and gone, troubles around the world, whatever it might be. COVID, all these things have happened. Okay. But right now, going forward, there looks to be, doesn't matter where you live in the world, so much uncertainty. What are your trading options right now? Now, what options do you have right now if you're looking for investing or just surviving? And I mean that quite seriously, because give you an example. This morning, I was listening to the radio station. And on there, there were two articles back to back which really made me wake up and open my eyes about what's happening. And one of them was a local council guy talking about how they had invested their money. One of the local councillors here in New Zealand had invested quite a substantial amount of their cash and surplus funds into an investment firm. JBWere was the one, they mentioned it so I'm going to mention it. And how they had lost 6% in the last year on their funds through this expert investment firm. An investment firm where they're talking to them, explaining why that their portfolio gone backwards and all the different things happening in the world. Basically, giving all their excuses. But ultimately, the result is everybody who is a great payer of this particular local council, their funds have gone backwards. You take that and think about you doing the similar thing. You go and put your funds with these experts. And I'm not saying all of them, and I'm not even saying that the one I've just mentioned is particularly bad or good. I'm just saying they were the ones mentioned on this particular radio station this morning that I heard. And when you think about that, you have so little control yourself. You're not really knowing what's going on. That was the first news story. Inflation and interest rates