#506: What’s the Best Trading Session?

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


What’s the Best Trading Session?  Podcast: Signup For my Forex Masterclass Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course #506: What’s the Best Trading Session? In this video: 00:38 – Which is the best trading session? 01:37 – We look at the close of a candle 02:18 – We use Limit Orders 03:30 – Trading is about picking quality setups  04:20 – Trade through Blueberry What's the best trading session that you should be at your computer? It's a question that a lot of people ask, and I've got a real simple answer for you. So let's get into that and more. Right now. Hey, there trader! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video on podcast number 506. Wanted to come outside a glorious afternoon. We are just a handful of days away from the shortest day of the year and we're getting weather like this. So you've got to take advantage of being outside and enjoying some good vitamin D from the sun. Which is the best trading session? So trading sessions, actually the Sun relates to this quite a lot because I've just been on a Zoom call with a guy over in Oregon, over in the US, on the West coast of Oregon, West Coast to the US. And he said to me, Hey Andrew, I'm always concerned about when to trade the sessions because for him the US session, because he's on the West Coast and like, you know, the morning session opens in New York time on the East Coast. You know, it's quite a considerable timezone difference there. And he said to me I can't trade the US morning session even though he's in the same country, because, you know, it means getting up at like 3:00-4:00 in the morning and it's just not practical. Likewise, he cannot trade the European session because that's like 11, 12, you know, midnight, 1:00 in the morning, depending on time of year for him. So he said, well, what do I do? Because it's always something that's concerned him. And I said, Look, fantastic question, really good answer for you and you got to love it. The fact is, I won't tell you his name, but I said, We look at the close of a candle Look, the fact is you don't need to worry about sessions when you trade the way that we trade because we look at the close of a candle. It doesn't matter to me what the time of the day is. It doesn't matter what the session we might be in or leading up to. It really does not matter. You look at the close of a candle and you see the trade. Take the trade from there. So, you know, first of all, when to go and look at a charts because it's at the close of that candle. But I like I said to him, the thing is, if you look at the 5 p.m. New York Close of Day charts and for him that might be like 2:00 in the afternoon and I'm at work and you know, I can't trade then could have been an answer. You know, he could have said. We use Limit Orders And my reply was, well, it doesn't matter again because we use limit orders to place our trades. So if you don't place, you trade two, five, six, 7:00 in the evening for him, which is, you know, like sort of three, four, five, 6 hours after the close of day 5 p.m. New York time. It doesn't matter because at that time of the day, very little happens anyway.