#526: Slow & Steady Wins the Day

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


Slow & Steady Wins the Day  Podcast: Signup For my Forex Masterclass Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course Book a Call with Andrew or one of his team now #526: Slow & Steady Wins the Day In this video: 00:29 – Why a slow & steady trading style is best. 01:13 – My background really helps. 02:04 – Karate & Flying.  02:48 – Raising a large family. 03:31 – Consistency in our own trading. 04:21 – Get onto my trading Masterclass. 04:45 – Trade through Blueberry Markets. 05:20 – Like & Subscribe to our channel. I'm going to explain why a slow and steady trading approach is your best chance of success to be a full time forex trader or prop firm trader? Let's get into that and more right now. Hey there, traders. It's Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of the Forex Trading Coach. With Video and podcast number 526. Why a slow & steady trading style is best. Now I want to talk about a slow and steady approach to trading You see in life right now everybody's fast pace wants action, wants instant results. Everything's available on your phone. No one can wait any longer. Everybody wants things now. Now, now, now. All the time. And the danger with that is that when it comes to the reality of trading, well. Most people, unfortunately, take that same approach. They want to be a multimillionaire next week. They want to pass a firm challenge within two days. They want to you know, how much do I need, Andrew, in order to give up my job and make $10,000 a month? You know, everybody always wants that that instant result and answer without doing the prior work. My background really helps. Now, I'm quite fortunate in many ways. One, I'm a little bit older. But two, I come from a farming background, and I think that has been a massive help for my own trading because you realize in farming that consistently doing things properly and planning and a slow and steady approach whilst always having an eye on the future and never being stuck in your ways is a really good way of farming successfully. You have to turn up, You have to do things consistently as a dairy farmer. You have to milk the cash twice a day. You know, you have to be planting crops at the right time. You have to be doing things. It doesn't matter whether it's raining or it's Christmas Day or your birthday or you're not feeling well, you have to show up. And so that consistency is is absolutely vital, I believe, to success. And as a trader, that consistency of constantly showing up is also vital as well. Karate & Flying.  Now, other things that have helped me personally and I hope can help you. I've studied karate for many years and again, that slow, steady, consistent, repeatable approach is what gets you from being a white belt through to a black belt. You're not going to get there instantly. You're not going to go and watch a whole heap of videos and suddenly, wham, next week you're a black belt. That doesn't happen. It's that consistency, that hard work, that dedication. As many of you know,