#537: The Realities of Learning How to Trade

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


The Realities of Learning How to Trade  Podcast: Signup For my Forex Masterclass Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course Book a Call with Andrew or one of his team now #537: The Realities of Learning How to Trade In this video: 00:26 – A trading reality check. 01:00 – Do you want it now or can you wait? 01:41 – Adults are no better than children at wanting instant gratification. 02:23 – How much can I make? 03:23 – Doing the hard work first. 04:33 – Not everything will go in your favour. 05:09 – Don’t knock someone who’s trying to help you. 06:00 – We can help you if you would like to trade well. 06:26 – Book a call with us. 06:38 – Blueberry Markets. Today, I'm going to talk about the realities of learning how to trade properly and why it's probably not quite as easy as you think it might be. Let's talk about that and more right now. Hey there, Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 537. A trading reality check. Now today it's a bit of reality check. And it's kind of like not being grumpy day, but just wanted to keep things real. I've had just a few interactions with people over the last week or so that just got me kind of beating my head against the wall. One was a client and the other is not a client, and it just makes me realize that there's so many people out there that are not real with their trading. Do you want it now or can you wait? Now, you may have heard about the experiment. I don't know who did it. It was quite some number of years ago where they got a bunch of kids, put them in a room, and they said to them they put like a sweet or lolly chocolate and in front of them and said, You can have one right now. But if you wait, you know, 15 minutes, we'll give you three. And of course, most of the kids go, I'm just going to take the one that they can't comprehend. You know, if you just wait for a little bit longer, you'll get three times the amount for just a little bit of, you know, dedication. And that was a kid's experiment. Adults are no better than children at wanting instant gratification Now, I think the same logic, unfortunately, applies to so many adults today as well, now that whether it's me, show my age or what, I don't know, but whether it's, you know, an instant gratification thing, whether it's a cell phone thing, an Internet thing, a Netflix thing, you know, another thing, everything just seems to be instant. And people unfortunately don't seem to be able to. A lot of people anyway, don't seem to be able to. And accept the realities of hard work, dedication and a bit of time, commitment and effort. And also not an instant answer, an instant fix. How much can I make? Now, I want to talk about that because I think that you've got to get your head around that if you're going to give yourself a realistic chance of being a successful fighter because everybody wants to know how much am I going to make, how long is it going to take me, how much do I need to my account? How many prop firms do I need? All these? How to what's the answer? And without actually figuring out that they need to ...