10 Ways to use Google Analytics like a pro

Online Marketing Basics for Busy Website Owners - A podcast by Vicki Jakes


In 2021 it is more important than ever to ensure that you are tracking your website data to determine the success of the marketing activities that you are doing to drive traffic to it.If you’re not tracking this stuff then you’ll never really know what content resonates with your website users, and you’ll never really know if all that time and effort that you spent posting your blog every day on your social channels is even working.Using a free tool like Google Analytics can help. It's one of the best free tools for website owners.However, if the thought of looking at a dashboard of data puts you off even starting, then this episode is for you as I have outlined 10 ways you can use Google Analytics like a pro.If you can see what this tool is capable of, then hopefully you’ll head back to your website and immediately start looking at your data with a renewed love.