Dodgy Paper On Handmade Recycled Paper

OnProcess - A podcast by Adam Busby


With a wonderfully unorthodox start to the skill set, Dodgy Roger of Dodgy Paper takes us through his genesis and process of what is such a unique, fascinating and also steeped in literally thousands of years of tradition, the art of making paper. What Dodgy Paper brings to the foreground is not just the use of recycled paper, but using this feature as a focal point, embracing the irregularities rather than hiding them. Dodgy takes things as far ranging as candy wrappers and parking fines transforming them into gorgeous hand made paper. During our chat we talk about how important and enjoyable it can be to just dive in head first learning by trial and error rather than over analyzing. We dive into practical ways to get into the creative flow state,  discuss the joy of discovering and exploring different disciplines and even get into a bit about personal branding. Introducing Dodgy Paper On Hand Made Recycled Paper


Dodgy Paper





Lousy Ink

Hungry Workshop

26 Exhibition


The Arts Hole




"Any creative process should be fun."

"I definitely blew up a lot of cheaper blenders early on [making paper]."

"[Learning to make paper was] I'd say 90% just trial and error and having fun with it, which has been awesome and I recommend that for anyone doing anything!"

"I actually come up with most of my ideas when I am creating rather than having downtime."

"Pretty much everything I use is either recycled, repurposed or found."


Original Theme Music

by Devin Luke -


Stay In Touch



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