Joyce N. Ho On Motion Design

OnProcess - A podcast by Adam Busby


Joyce is a Hong Kong born, Australian designer, based in New York City who absolutely destroys in the motion design space. What's always drawn me to her work is the unique blend of digital and analogue textures and emotion that come with it. During the episode we get into some fun corners of the creative process including talking with Joyce about the challenges and wins of her moving to New York. We pick apart piece by piece some title projects and work she did with Hasan Minaj for his wonderful Netflix show The Patriot Act. In our chat we get into Joyce's process of working remotely on projects with 10+ people across different disciplines and styles while trying to stay sane. We also talk about some of the daily battles of staying creative while tackling admin like emails and invoicing including Joyce's personal self care practices and how vital these are to translating to a successful creative process. Introducing: Joyce Ho On Motion Design.


Joyce Ho





Alex Gee



The Four Hour Workweek By Tim Ferriss


Broad City

Mike Perry




"It's so important to recognize that sometimes you're struggling and you do just need help and support."


"The preproduction of just actually coming up with the idea is always the funnest for me."


"I wish I was more techie but I think I’m more design driven than anything."




Original Theme Music

by Devin Luke -



Stay In Touch



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