Matt Haynes On Running A Design Conference

OnProcess - A podcast by Adam Busby


Matt Haynes is a truly remarkable human, his passion is so contagious and he is the kind of person you just want to be near to absorb some of his excitement and passion for life. Matt has been running a very successful Design Conference for 9 years in Brisbane, Queensland with local and internationally renown speakers such as Jessica Hische, Todd Francis, Chris Doyle and too many more to mention. During the episode talk about how he has kept his fire burning for the event after all these years. We get into what building a legacy looks like and how to think bigger and look at the long game and how this solidifies your purpose and the why behind what you do. This episode is called Matt Haynes On Running A conference, but it really should be something more heartfelt like Matt Haynes on how to find your life purpose and how to make it happen, because he unleashes some knowledge from the heart. There is a language warning on this one.


Matt Haynes










PNAU - Solid Gold

Never Not Creative




"If you set your mind to it, you can actually do whatever you want."


"Having the opportunity to have a legitimate impact in other peoples lives is more than infectious, it’s a driving force, it’s like a pure energy."


"If you're trying to walk around the world, first you've gotta start fucking walking."


"If you're gonna walk man, why don't you walk far."


"The thing about getting though a rough patch, is always just knowing, that you can make that rough patch as shit as you want or as fucking great as you want."


"There's no such thing as a half way crook. There ain’t no thing as a half way CEO. You're either in, or you're out."


"You gotta aim for the stars, but you don't wanna burn up in the process"


"The best part, personally, is being vulnerable, connecting with people on a vulnerable level."


"To lead is to take full responsibility."



Original Theme Music

by Devin Luke -


Stay In Touch



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