Mitch Reyes On Photography

OnProcess - A podcast by Adam Busby


In this episode we are chatting with the multidisciplinary creative Mitch Reyes, Mitch has done such a wide spectrum of endeavors, from business owner, entrepreneur, co owning a bar, being a pilates instructor, photographer, designer, and design lecturer and all of this before he hit 3 decades. In this episode we dive into his Photography focus. We talk about being a white belt, and how to stay humble, and challenging your ego. We touch on how to keep things fresh by taking an amateur eye and how being vulnerable is paramount in creating something that moves people. Mitch brings a ton of wisdom to his photography practice, and brings a level of detail and reverence for the craft that is incredibly inspiring.


Mitch Reyes



Mitch's Kit

• Fuji XD3 Camera Body
• 4 Lenses
• 35mm 1.4 prime / 16mm 1.4 prime / 56mm 1.4 prime / 18-55mm 2.8
• MIA RZ67 Medium Format



Rosie Matheson
Zach Wolfe (also a great video about him here)
Devin Allen
Paolo Azerraga


Software Mitch uses

• CaptureOne
• Photoshop


Original Theme Music

by Devin Luke -


Stay In Touch


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