Episode 056 - LGHAUS and OneScren.AI are focused on building the future of Digital Out of Home

OOH Insider: Navigating DOOH/OOH for brands and publishers - A podcast by Tim Rowe


When I started #oohinsider, it was so I could learn.13 months later, I'm still learning but have been able to connect some of the dots of OOH along the way.This connection was kicked off by Mike Suh, Director of Strategic Partnerships at LGHAUS.Mike had reached out with some nice things to say about the show (thanks Mike!) and the tumblers fell into place..."you guys should totally connect with Sam Mallikarjunan and Greg Wise at OneScreen.ai".So the introduction was made and now they're making history.Imagine a world where you can create a digital screen network where, instead of costing you money, the value prop is that you will MAKE money...and the tech to do it comes standard on your LG screens.Join Mike Suh and Tim Kang from LGHAUS, and Sam Mallikarjunan from OneScreen to discuss how their partnership is like Uber for #dooh where Uber gives you the car to get started and the direct line to revenue to not only pay for the car but to make a bunch of money along the way.Check out LGHAUS at...https://www.lghaus.com/And learn mroe about OneScreen.ai at...https://www.onescreen.ai/Check out all 4.5 years of OOH Insider content at https://www.theoohinsider.com/