Commentary on Canon 46 of the Holy Apostles - St. Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain

Orthodox Wisdom - A podcast by Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy

“In the face of what has thus been said one might rightfully wonder why the holy Second Ecumenical Council in its seventh Canon, but still more so why the Sixth Ecumenical in its ninety-fifth Canon, failed to disapprove the baptism of all heretics, in accordance with the Apostolical Canons and St. Cyprian's Synod and all the other great God-bearing Fathers aforcmentioned whose writings were confirmed and ratified, as we have said, by the Sixth Ecumenical Council itself in its second Canon, whereas, on the contrary, it accepted the baptism of some heretics, but not that of others. In order lo have an easily understandable solution of this perplexity there is need that one should know beforehand that two kinds of government and correction arc in vogue in the Church of Christ, One kind is called Akrevia: the other kind is called Economia and Moderatism; with which the economists of the Spirit promote the salvation of souls at times with the one, and at times with the other kind….” “Let not the systems of the heretics fool you, my dear listener: for they have a baptism, but no illumination; accordingly, they are baptized, it is true, with respect to the body, but as respects the soul they are not illuminated.” –St. John Chrysostom in his sermon on John 1:1 "He who does anything as a matter of economia, does it, not as simply something good, but as something needed for the time being." –Blessed Theophylact (commentary on Gal 5:11) Akrevia = exactitude, precision (sometimes problematically called “rigorism”)  Economia = management of the house, blessed adjustment from the rule, (sometimes problematically called “concession”)    The matters of ecclesiology, sacramental theology, and reception of converts are not for those still only able to drink milk, but for those able to eat meat. Whatever your stance on these matters, seek the truth with humility, patience, and fear of God, the ascetic life, and obedience to your spiritual father in all things except sin and heresy. May God help us.    Text of “The Rudder,” also called “The Pedallion”:  Learn more about St. Nikodemos here: Books by St. Nikodemos available here:  This channel is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ! NOTE: Due to platform limitations, the YouTube video description contains more quotes from the Fathers on this issue. If you want to read them, please go here!