Each One of Us is Potentially a Judas - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Orthodox Wisdom - A podcast by Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy

“If we think that we are something superior to Judas—that he was some kind of a ‘kook’ and we are not—we are quite mistaken. Like Judas, everyone of us has passions in his heart. Let us therefore look at them…. each one of us is potentially a Judas. Therefore, when the opportunity comes—when the passion begins to operate in us and logically begins to develop from a passion into betrayal—we should stop right there and say, ‘Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!’” –Fr. Seraphim RoseFr. Seraphim gave this homily during Great Lent, 1982, just a few months before his repose. Read the text here: https://orthochristian.com/78550.htmlThis is read by our brother Sergius, who assists with the work of this channel alongside Timothy.This channel is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!