The Theanthropic Mystery of the Church - St. Justin Popovic

Orthodox Wisdom - A podcast by Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy

Three separate texts from St. Justin Popovic are brought together in this reading. I pray you can feel in your bones, nay, in the spiritual marrow of your soul the depth of the truth and beauty of his God-inspired teachings. Note: the word theanthropic is a combination of “Theos” = God and “Anthropos” = man“The New Testament can be summed up in one, this one comprehensive truth: the God-man is the essence, the purpose, the meaning, and the essential value of the Church. He is its soul, its heart, and its life. He is the Church in its entire theanthropic fullness. The Church is nothing other than the God-man Christ projected through all the centuries: ‘And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age’ (Matt 28:20; cf. Eph 1:21-23).” –from “Highest Value and Last Criterion in Orthodoxy”“The holy day of the Spirit which dawned at Pentecost continues without interruption in the Orthodox Church, with the untold fulness of the divine gifts and life-giving powers. Everything in the Church exists in the Holy Spirit, from the most minute to the most stupendous.” –from “The Orthodox Church as Continuous Pentecost”“Humanistic Ecumenism,” pages 172-174 in “Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ”“Highest Value and Last Criterion in Orthodoxy,” pages 79-82 in “Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ”“The Orthodox Church as Continuous Pentecost” – Read here: “Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ” here: https://churchsupplies.jordanville.or...This channel is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!