Weep! - I. M. Andreyev (Mature Content)

Orthodox Wisdom - A podcast by Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy

In this short article by I. M. Andreyev, we gain a deeper understanding of the true Christian social ethic through the lens of a true and most heinous act of a mother murdering her young child, and the great evil, yet triumph, of the crucifixion of Christ. This co-suffering and self-identification with the evil in the world kills the rationalism and individualism that plagues all of us, especially in the West, and opens to us the doors of the bright sorrow of repentance.NOTE: What follows includes some rather gruesome and dreadful descriptions of a murder, and that of a young child. This may not be suitable for young children, or those whose imagination will get the best of them.I. M. Andreyev writes, “…on West 84th Street there occurred a frightening event, a horrible crime—a mother beat to death her two-year old son…. The sight of the boy was so horrible that even the police, accustomed to all sorts of crimes, ‘were not able to bear the sight of the little body’…. During the interrogation the mother-murderer, a young twenty-nine year old woman, showed no sign of repentance.His face had been so pummeled that it was hard to distinguish it from the back of his head, which was also batter and bruised…. His stomach was full of the blood he had swallowed, and so to his throat, which no doubt caused him to choke during his last shuddering wails.‘Ah, please don’t!’ ‘Don’t talk this way!’ ‘It is impossible to listen this…’ Will not many readers began to cry out with these words?Orthodox people! Compassionate Orthodox people! Do not be afraid to clearly imagine the awful reality of this infanticide, for it is a sign from Heaven! Our faith and love in our Saviour is so weak, our deep and conscious awareness of the suffering He endured for ours sins so feeble that only a very few of those who venerate the Holy Shroud of Christ on Holy Friday of Passion Week appreciate (and then only for a fleeting moment) the awesome act of redemption of Our Lord; and without this awareness it is impossible to appreciate the profound meaning of Golgotha.It is not God but we ourselves that we must reproach for the evils surrounding us. One for all and all for one we are all guilty before one another—this is the essence of the Christian social ethic. We are all guilty before the face of this little tortured lamb found on West 84th Street in New York City. Since we are all sinners we create evil and our evil becomes a part of the world’s treasury of evil. This evil coalesces into a huge energy of evil which seeks vessels of graceless bodies to pour itself into, and when it finds them, it will be incarnated in them and they will do great acts of evil. We are all brothers and sisters. All mankind is one large family and this tortured infant is our brother and his ‘mother’-killer is our sister. In her evil act is found a drop of the evil found in each one of us.Let each one of us consider himself… What were you doing on the evening when this unbelievable but very real act was carried out? Indeed perhaps it was your sin, your depravity, your malice that provided the last drop of evil necessary for this child-killer’s vessel of evil to overflow? This is how we must understand these matters if we are to call ourselves real Christians.Weep brothers and sisters! Do not be ashamed of this weeping!Weep! Let these tears be the ones to fill the font in which God will baptize the infant-martyr, who most probably was not baptized, and who was anointed not with Holy Oil but with his innocent infant blood. Weep!...Do not be ashamed to weep with tears of sorrow, compassion, and repentance!"This article was originally published in “Orthodox Life,” March-April 1993 (orthodoxlife.org). Read this article here: https://orthodoxethos.com/post/weep-b...This channel is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!