Osaka Sunrise 41
Osaka Sunrise - A podcast by ラパ

Listen live Digitally Imported Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on the Melodic Progressive channel プレイリスト: ------------------ Sunset Moments - The Way She Looks (Original Mix) [Synth Connection] Maiga - Danai (Youssef Chen Remix) [Midnight Coast] Roald Velden - You're a Star in My Sky (Original Mix) [Midnight Coast] Sense8 - Amaltea (Original Mix) [Encanta] Ryo Nakamura - Light Wind (Original Mix) [Pineapple Digital] SixthSense - Stargazing (Original Mix) [Midnight Coast] Paul M - Mistica (Original Mix) [Midnight Coast] Kamron Schrader - Wonderful People (Jallen Remix) [Emergent Shores] T Davids - Coming to an End (Dima Prus Melo Remix) [Emergent Shores] Lesh - Moonwalker (Original Mix) [Midnight Coast] Marko Ruberto - Lonely Planet (Original Mix) [Progressive State Records] Home: Facebook: Download for free on The Artist Union