#075 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series #1 Part 2 w/ Emily
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

We continue our conversation today, in Part 2 of Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series with Emily. Emily is a mum navigating those big questions with her gifted child who has just started reception (prep). This two-part episode covers when our gifted kids should start school, where they should go to school, what expectations we should have and much more… Memorable quote… “I think at the beginning of the year for us, we did think it was as simple as, do we go to our locally zoned government school, which we could walk to, or a local private school, which we could also walk to. And we thought that it was as simple as that. They were the two choices. And then suddenly, we were considering relocating and just anything became an option. But you're also, considering logistics and working, how are you supposed to do drop-offs and pickups whilst working and everything else? It felt like our whole life was kind of thrown up in the air and everything was an option, but then so many options were taken away as well.” - Emily More… Enjoyed the podcast? Leave us a review! 5 stars will do! - - - - Love the podcast? Find out how to support the podcast. Free ebook: Top 10 Parenting Hacks for Parenting GIfted Kids Subscribe to our newsletter - - - - Join our community - - - - Linktree: @ourgiftedkids Facebook: @ourgiftedkidsonine Free Facebook Group Instagram: @ourgiftedkids Sponsor this podcast - - - - Episode Resources AAEGT Early Entry to Primary Article #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years? Homeschooling - GHF #032 Unpacking Homes Schooling (& Maths) with Barry Gelston Young Scholars Academy - #071 Unpacking Strength-Based Learning w/ Sam Young Biochemistry Literacy for Kids - #059 College level science for kids?! w/ Dr Daniel Fried State Gifted Associations - AAEGT - Australia Burnout in Gifted Children - Davidson Institute Born to Soar Mensa - - - - Hit play and let’s get started!