#079 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School #3, Part 2 w/ Jess Farago
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

We're talking to Jess Farago, a provisional psychologist, and mum of a gifted child this week and today Part 2 of that conversation goes out. In this episode Jess shares how the second half of her son's first year of school went and all the tips and tricks she's discovered along the way. Memorable quote… “ "I like to do things with people and socialise and hang out with friends but I also found when we spent our holidays with more downtime than social time, it was so much better for him. I saw a different child starting one term when spent the last week of holidays doing nothing. We just hung out at home. Took the dog for a walk, hung out with family, and caught up with a couple of friends, but it was a really low-key break. He went back so refreshed." - Jess Farago Bio… Jess Farago is the mum of a gifted son; a 5-year-old who has recently completed his first year of primary school. In addition, Jess is a provisional psychologist who has a passion for neurodivergence and understanding the gifted and neurodiverse brain and behaviour. Jess observed differences between her son and other children when her son was a baby, and it was drawn to her attention by professionals, that her son might be gifted and to monitor it. Therefore, the journey of extensive gifted research, reading, understanding and ongoing observation began. Jess has found the path of being a mum to a gifted child filled with so much joy, however, it has not been easy and is exhausting. Some of the most challenging parts for Jess over the last 5 years has been with the stigma attached to the word 'gifted'. For years she felt isolated and that there was little to no support out there. But that didn't stop Jess from ensuring her son received as much support as possible wherever he went and that she advocated for him. This is where Jess found navigating the mainstream school system a challenge. Jess has good knowledge of the education system having worked in the school system and has been faced with some very positive experiences, however, there have been some big challenges in the mainstream school setting concerning her son. - - - - More… Enjoyed the podcast? Leave us a review! 5 stars will do! - - - - Love the podcast? Find out how to support the podcast. Free ebook: Top 10 Parenting Hacks for Parenting GIfted Kids Subscribe to our newsletter - - - - Join our community - - - - Linktree: @ourgiftedkids Facebook: @ourgiftedkidsonine Free Facebook Group Instagram: @ourgiftedkids Sponsor this podcast - - - - Hit play and let’s get started!