#080 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Year of School - 5 Things You Need To Know
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

In this episode, our host Sophia Elliott takes us through the big 5 things you need to know about a gifted kids' first year of school. When should my gifted child go to school? Where should my gifted child go to school? How do I work with the School? What do I need to know about the academic journey? How do we get through the year looking after their social and emotional well-being? Memorable quote… “ “What are the top five things that we really need to know as parents? This episode is kind of like the cliff notes, and maybe that's showing my age. Anyone born after the seventies may not know what Cliff notes are, but back in the day, if you had to do an assignment on a book, but you didn't have time to read the book you would buy a tiny little book called Cliff Notes, which just told you about the book. They were great. So this episode's like the Cliff Notes on the previous episodes and all the great things that you need to know about that first year of school and a bunch of extra tips. So thank you so much for joining us on this.” - Sophia Elliott - - - - More… Enjoyed the podcast? Leave us a review! 5 stars will do! - - - - Love the podcast? Find out how to support the podcast. Free ebook: Top 10 Parenting Hacks for Parenting Gifted Kids Subscribe to our newsletter - - - - Join our community - - - - Linktree: @ourgiftedkids Facebook: @ourgiftedkidsonine Free Facebook Group Instagram: @ourgiftedkids Sponsor this podcast - - - - Episode Resources Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series: #074 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series #1 Part 1 w/ Emily #075 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series #1 Part 2 w/ Emily #076 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series #2 Part 1 w/ Stephanie Higgs #077 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School Series #2 Part 2 w/ Stephanie Higgs #078 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School #3, Part 1 w/ Jess Farago #079 Parents Guide to Gifted Kids’ First Years of School #3, Part 2 w/ Jess Farago - - - - Hit play and let’s get started!