#087 Unpacking dangerous myths about gifted & 2E boys w/ Deborah Gennarelli
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

#087 Unpacking dangerous myths about gifted & 2E boys w/ Deborah Gennarelli In this episode, we’re talking to Deborah Gennarelli about gifted and twice exceptional (2E) boys. A great episode unpacking those dangerous myths about gifted boys, diving into what makes them different, and providing real hands-on strategies to walk away with. Memorable quote… “ “I've particularly noticed, with the boys that I worked with, the emotional intensity. So these students think and feel deeply and often differently than other children. This is especially true for 2E boys who are wrestling with the fact that they're gifted, but they also feel inadequate or shame or other negative emotions. And I saw that with all the boys that I wrote about. They knew they were really smart, but then they started questioning, "Am I really smart?” - Deborah Gennarelli Bio… An experienced educator and gifted intervention specialist, Deborah Gennarelli has a master's degree in gifted education and her passion has been recognised by Teacher of the Year awards in three different school districts as well as an “All-County Teacher” award. As a gifted intervention specialist, she developed gifted education programs in several districts and now also consults; providing professional development on topics relevant to gifted children and supporting parents and students. A national speaker on the identification and support of gifted and 2e children, Deborah has also written the newly released, ‘Twice Exceptional Boys: A Roadmap to Getting it Right’. She is currently co-writing a second book about neurodiversity in adults and is a member of NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children), OAGC (Ohio Association for Gifted Children, and SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted). - - - - Enjoyed the podcast? Subscribe & leave us a review! 5 stars will do! - - - - We get it, if you’re feeling seen join the Our Gifted Kids online community for more support. Access our Unpacking Gifted course for a deep understanding of giftedness. Love the podcast? Leave a review, make a one-time donation, become a patron or find out more about supporting the podcast. Subscribe to our newsletter. Download your FREE ebook: Top 10 Parenting Hacks for Parenting Gifted Kids Want to sponsor this podcast or be a guest? Get in touch! For ebooks, blogs, show notes and more go to www.ourgiftedkids.com - - - - Linktree: @ourgiftedkids Facebook: @ourgiftedkidsonine Free Facebook Group Instagram: @ourgiftedkids - - - - Episode Resources Website: www.DeborahGennarelli.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahgennarelli/ Book: ‘Twice Exceptional Boys: A Roadmap to Getting it Right’. - - - - Stay quirky and see you again soon! - Sophia