106. The Monster in Front of You: Nathaniel White

Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast


He is handsome, well dressed, and polite but most of all he showers you with all the attention that you could ever need. You find yourself falling in love with this amazing guy and maybe, just perhaps, it is with your deep love for him, that you can’t see what is right in front of your eyes because standing right there in front of you is someone that you would truly never really know or want to know. This is the story of serial killer Nathaniel White. Join Jen and Cam on this episode of Our True Crime Podcast entitled “The Monster In Front of You: Nathaniel White.”Promo is by Always Time For True Crime podcast @ATFTCPodcastOur Listener Discretion is by our favorite groovy elf, Edward October @octoberpodVHS.Our Executive Producer and Composer is from the OTCP Angel, Nico @wetalkofdreams.