64. What Happened to Jessica?

Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast


It is an ordinary Friday as the Dishon family prepares for the day. The kids go to school and the parents go to work but when mom Edna comes home at 1pm she is startled to see her teenage daughter’s car in the driveway. Edna looks throughout the house for her daughter Jessica and without locating her, Edna goes outside to see if her car was perhaps not working and Jessica simply got a ride to school that day. When Edna opens Jessica’s car door, a sick feeling hits her. She finds Jessica’s purse with her cell phone sticking out of it. On the floorboard on the driver’s side of the car, is one of Jessica’s shoes. When the parents contact the police to report Jessica missing,the sheriff suggests that perhaps she just took off for a bit and will be back soon. Thinking the teen was just a runaway would be the first mistake in a long, twisted case with a heartbreaking and shocking conclusion. Join Jen and Cam as we discuss ‘What Happened to Jessica?’ on this episode of Our True Crime Podcast. Promos this week by @morbidology and @RMisadventuresListener discretion by @octoberpodvhs All music and editing by @wetalkofdreamsSources: https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/behind-bars-stanley-dishon-says-he-did-not-kill-niece/article_029345b6-1f3c-11e9-a7ec-57e26205026c.htmlhttps://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/03/kentucky-teen-cold-case/2916671/https://www.wlky.com/article/evidence-photos-interview-with-victim-s-mother-released-in-dishon-case/3749832#https://people.com/crime/cold-case-files-features-jessica-dishon-murder/https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/bullitt/2015/03/27/jessica-dishon-family-wins-year-saga/70533396/