Wilfred Chan on the Hong Kong protests and the US-China relationship

ourVoices - A podcast by openDemocracy


Aaron White and Freddie Stuart speak with Wilfred Chan, a writer and organizer living in New York. He previously worked as a journalist in Hong Kong. Chan has been featured in The Nation, Dissent Magazine, The Intercept and is a contributor at Lausan – a collective of writers, researchers, activists and artists sharing decolonial left perspectives on Hong Kong.  Our discussion covers the US/China relationship, the recent wave of protests in Hong Kong and how they connect to the broader backlash against neoliberalism all around the world. openDemocracy is a small non-profit journalism outfit, not funded by dark money or lucrative sponsorship, so we depend on regular donations from our listeners. If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to donate, click here: http://bit.ly/3bb06Os