#89 How your EGO ruins your relationships (YOYL)

OWN IT The Confidence Podcast - A podcast by Annica Torneryd


I believe that one of the best ways to ruin a relationship is to give a lot of space to your ego. Have you ever been in a "conversation" with a partner, friend, colleague, lover and you feel 100% triggered and get sucked into a "fight" because you KNOW you are right? And the most frustrating thing is that the other person, who you KNOW is wrong, also believes they are right. But they're not. Or, are they? Will we ever know...? But anyway, you are in that moment and you KNOW you are right, because it's a topic you know a LOT about, and you're not gonna give the point away, it matters to you, so you push on. And so does the other person. Maybe because they THINK they are right, maybe because they are a Besserwisser who is used to being right, or maybe they just have a very large EGO! It's in those moments our ego can either contribute to doing damage to a relationship or, save the day by letting go of the need to be right or make a point or win or whatever it is your ego needs/wants. Not everyone is capable of being that mature, not everyone has the courage and wisdom to let go and move onward and forward instead of digging deeper into friction and frustration. Who do you want to be: the one who's always right? Or, the one who has really great relationships? Remember: NOBODY is right all the time! Hard to swallow for the one who's used to always being right. This topic of our ego and the impact is has on our relationships and our wellbeing is well worth exploring. In my online coaching program You Own Your Life, we dig deep on this, and you are guaranteed to increase your self-awareness and the quality of your relationships. Check it out on https://bit.ly/youownyourlife1 "The more space our ego needs, the more friction and challenges there will be in our relationships" / Annica Törneryd