Books in the Box IV

Oxide and Friends - A podcast by Oxide Computer Company


The 4th installment of the Oxide and Friends book recommendation series. After a brief(ish) diversion into Crimson Twins, Tomax and Xamot, Bryan and Adam are joined by several Oxide Friends to discuss their favorite recent reads.In addition to Bryan Cantrill and Adam Leventhal, we were joined by Nick Gideo, Josh, Ian Grunert, Tom Lyon, Zander, and Oliver Herman.Tomax and XamotRecommendations:Into the Raging Sea - SladeThe Making of Prince of Persia - Jordan MechnerThe Big Score - MaloneCHM: Oral History of Hector RuizAMD Founder Jerry Sanders Rare Interview (video)Chip War - MillerCHM: Morris Chang, in conversation with Jen-Hsun Huang (video)Acquired: TSMC (audio)Creativity Inc. - Catmull and WallaceHardcore Software - SinofskyOxF: The Showstopper ShowExploding the Phone - LapsleyThe Cuckoo's Egg - StollInside the Hidden World of Elevator Phone PhreakingThe Last BookstoreThe MouseDriver Chronicles - Lusk, HarrisonHatching Twitter - BiltonCharacter Limit - Conger, MacThe Maniac - LabatutShift Happens - WicharyThe Last Philosopher in Texas - ChaconThe Idea Factory - GertnerObservability Engineering - Majors, Fong-Jones, MirandaRed Cloud at Dawn - GordinBiohazard - AlibekMore Money than God - MallabyRemembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War - CarlsonIBM and the Holocaust - BlackBryan's blog on the topicDEC is Dead, Long Live DEC - Schein, DeLisi, Kampas, SonduckOxF: The Rise and Fall of DECBonus recommendations from chatNot the End of the World - RitchieThe Man Who Broke Capitalism - GellesChildren of Time (series) - TchaikovskyThe Murderbot Diaries (series) - WellsOrganizational Behavior Real Research for Real Managers - PearceHacking: The Art of Exploitation - EricksonTakeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power Hardcover - RybackSuccessful Aging - Levitin (felt like maybe a dig at Adam and Bryan?)Speeding the Net: The Inside Story of Netscape and How It Challenged Microsoft - Quittner, SlatallaCreative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs - KociendaIf we got something wrong or missed something, please file a PR! Our next show will likely be on Monday at 5p Pacific Time on our Discord server; stay tuned to our Mastodon feeds for details, or subscribe to this calendar. We'd love to have you join us, as we always love to hear from new speakers!