Technical Blogging

Oxide and Friends - A podcast by Oxide Computer Company


Bryan and Adam were joined by authors of the forthcoming book "Writing for Developers", Piotr Sarna and Cynthia Dunlop, to talk about blogging--for Bryan and Adam, it's been 20 years since they started blogging at Sun. The Oxide Friends were also joined by Tim Bray and Will Snow who kicked off blogging at Sun.In addition to Bryan Cantrill and Adam Leventhal, speakers included Tim Bray (BlueSky), Will Snow, Cynthia Dunlop and Piotr Sarna.Some of the topics we hit on, in the order that we hit them:Writing for Developers50% off (!) with code OXIDE50ongoing by Tim BrayTim Bray on blogs.sun.comScobleizerBryan: Blogging through the decadesBryan: Remembering Charles BeelerAdam: APFS in Detail: ConclusionsBeastie Boys Book: Live & DirectAdam: AWS Outposts by the Numbers: A Far-Too-Deep Dive Into PricingAdam: I Love Go; I Hate GoAdam: I am not a resourceAdam: First Rust Program Pain (So you can avoid it...)Bryan: Falling in love with RustAdam: On Blogging (Briefly)Bryan: The Power of a PronounAdam: DTrace "Scobleized"Appendix: Cool Technical BlogsCrowdsourced by the Oxide Friends:Nova - in the writer's words, "a JavaScript apologist's exploration of how JavaScript could be good"The Pragmatic EngineerTigerBeetleFaster than Lime - a very humane and deep dive into all sorts of technology, with special focus on tools and infrastructure. Recommended article: I want off Mr. Golang's Wild RideHillel Wayne - tons of formal methods talk. Also about quality assurance in the world of software, in general.Reid Atcheson - down the rabbit hole of computational math; this person is a floating point savant.Computational Complexity Blog - what it says on the tin. It might be the best blog-like resource on computational complexity.Without boatsBonus technical articles from chat and beyond:Why we at $FAMOUS_COMPANY Switched to $HYPED_TECHNOLOGY - Saagar JhaShip Shape: How Canva does hand-drawn shape recognition in the browserRust after the honeymoon - Bryan CantrillRedpanda vs. Kafka: A performance comparison25% or 6 to 4: the 11/6/23 authentication outage - DiscordMeta: From zero to 10 million lines of KotlinSun almost bought Apple in 1996If we got something wrong or missed something, please file a PR! Our next show will likely be on Monday at 5p Pacific Time on our Discord server; stay tuned to our Mastodon feeds for details, or subscribe to this calendar. We'd love to have you join us, as we always love to hear from new speakers!