Page 373: On the Value of Time
Page of the Wind - A podcast by Nick Alexander, Jordana Heney, & Jeremy Large

Kvothe introduces himself to Maer Alveron. We discuss Maer’s attitude towards his social inferiors, and how valuable his time is versus other people’s. We also talk about how the Maer and Stapes are characterized, and their different relationships to power, as well as the well-woven-in exposition about the guards and their arms, and the guys looking at maps, and what that all says about the political status quo in which the Maer finds himself. We also talk about different bows, and what they might say about the theatrical tradition of the room. Elminster: Elemenstor: @pageofthewind If you want to donate to the SFWA’s Legal Fund to help them challenge Disney and ensure Alan Dean Foster is paid the royalties he is owed, here is the link: