Page 428: In Flagrante Delicto
Page of the Wind - A podcast by Nick Alexander, Jordana Heney, & Jeremy Large

Kvothe observes Caudicus chatting with Stapes, the Maer’s manservant! We talk about what we are led to believe, and what Stapes, Caudicus, and Kvothe are all, respectively, led to believe, about eachothers prospective schemes. Nick argues that Kvothe and Stapes may, themselves, be under the influence of fictional tropes, and Jeremy asks for some good old fashioned comedy. We also talk about the delightful phrase for which our episode is named, and how Kvothe’s gilded cage is a match for Denna’s. @pageofthewind If you want to donate to the SFWA’s Legal Fund to help them challenge Disney and ensure Alan Dean Foster is paid the royalties he is owed, here is the link: