Does The US Government Have Non-Human Craft - The Paranormal Podcast 785

The Paranormal Podcast - A podcast by Jim Harold - Tuesdays


Former US Intelligence Officer David Grusch has blown the lid off of UFO secrecy by claiming the American government has captured multiple non-human craft and has them in their possession now. We are joined by one of the veteran journalists who broke this story in The Debrief last week. Ralph Blumenthal worked for the New York Times for 45 years and shares why Grusch is a credible witness. You can find the original story here at The Debrief: Thanks Mr. Blumenthal! --- Please support our great sponsors as they make our free podcasts possible! -GRAMMARLY- You’ll be amazed at what you can do with GrammarlyGO, Grammarly’s new generative AI assistant! Go to to download and learn more about GrammarlyGO. -WILDGRAIN- Wildgrain is the first-ever, bake-from-frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries. We love it! For a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box – PLUS free Croissants in every box – when you go to to start your subscription. -TRANSCRIPT- CLICK HERE for a full transcript. -- For more information on our podcast data policy CLICK HERE