Goodbye Hello with Adam Berry - The Paranormal Podcast 800

The Paranormal Podcast - A podcast by Jim Harold - Tuesdays


Adam Berry from TV's Kindred Spirits to discuss what happens after we die, how hard it is to communicating to and from the other side and many other questions about our ultimate destination. It was a great conversation and Adam kept me captivated from beginning to end. You can find his brand new book, Goodbye Hello: Processing Grief and Understanding Death Through the Paranormal, at Amazon: Thanks Adam! -GRAMMARLY- You’ll be amazed at what you can do with Grammarly! Go to to download for FREE today! -PARABOX- ParaBox Monthly is your source for amazing one of a kind paranormal t-shirts that will lead you into an online paranormal mystery. Go to to get a 25% discount! -TRANSCRIPT- CLICK HERE for a full transcript. -- For more information on our podcast data policy CLICK HERE