Unknown Origins Radio Classic - Extraordinary: Stan Romanek - 04/21/2014

Paranormal UK Radio Network - A podcast by Paranormal UK Radio Network

In this classic episode the UOR team talks with the film makers from J3 films about their documentary Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story, regarding their focus on Stan Romanek's claims of alien abduction and targeting by dark forces to keep him quiet.This is a highly controversial show in retrospect due to the fact that after this documentary film was released, Stan was convicted of having child pornography on his computer, along with claims that he faked evidence. Stan's case has been completely dismissed by the UFO community. However, a few people feel that Stan was targeted and discredited by those same dark forces who finally silenced him permanently. Regardless of where you may stand regarding Stan's ultimate guilt or innocence, the film makers take an unbiased approach to the subject matter and what they discovered while making the documentary film before Stan was charged and convicted. It's worth watching so that you can make up your own mind.Original Air Date: April 21, 2014Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/paranormal-uk-radio-network--4541473/support.