Ill Ruminations (Appendix): Illuminist Westcott's Death Note, Ripper Theories, Masonic Rothschilds, S. African Connection, Red Cross Interlock, & Shabtai's Z***ist Dinner Club [TASTER]

ParaPower Mapping - A podcast by Klonny Gosch


Subscribe to the INDEPENDENT CORK BOARD RESEARCHERS UNION to access all 2 & half hours of this Patreon exclusive: In this appendix to the "Ill Ruminations" dbl-header, we go back & run through a play-by-play of the Illuminati Revival tri-country esoteric order degree exchange b/w W.W. Westcott, Theodore Reuss, & Papus; we re-emphasize some of the major takeaways from the info Khrist Koopa has furnished us with; we zero in on how William Wynn Westcott appears to have given his position in polite London society, his Masonic appointments, & British imperial patriotism precedence over his Illuminati connects; we mull over what the United Grand Lodge of England pressuring Westcott to sever ties w/ the Illuminati might mean from a diplomatic or espionage perspective (not to mention the fact the Crown pushed him to quit HOGD); speaking of Westcott's Freemasonry & the overarching theme of Z***ism in the prev 2 EPs, we map the British Rothschild family's involvement in UGLE Freemasonry (a lodge named after Ferdinand, for example)—not to mention their vast investments in British imperial & mining projects in S. Africa & Rhodesia and financing of Z***ist settlements; this brings us to Z***ist Freemasons like Randolph & Winston Churchill; on the subject of S. Africa, we also reveal how this Master Mason, Cabalist, & Rosicrucian W.W. Westcott ultimately immigrated there in the early 20th century shortly before his death, spending considerable time seeding Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia nodes in the future apartheid state... From there, we turn our attention to obscure & disputed theories that William Wynn Westcott may have been Jack the Ripper; we examine the highly circumstantial but endlessly fun evidence that could support such a contention: the fact that he was a deputy coroner in Middlesex during the murders & may have in fact been involved in various inquests (if not directly, he likely knew the lead coroner who examined the Ripper victims, at the least), the theory that Jack the Ripper suspect Montague Druitt may have visited Westcott at the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn HQ—supposedly then housed in his home—shortly before his supposed suicide, and the most sus of all... the fact that Westcott's wife & 2 of his children all committed suicide during his lifetime (a 3 child died somewhat mysteriously in her 40s) & that Westcott inexplicably wrote this massive medical & anthropological study on suicide throughout human history prior to their deaths... And that he annotated a book on recreational substances & poisons LOL. We conclude with a quick dive into Jewish intellectual salon society called Shabtai, bringing us back to Yale, Skull and Bones, and Go!. This enables us to make a first mention of Benny Shabtai—the likely Israeli intel agent, onetime embassy guard, billionaire, Jeff Epstein pal, diamond tycoon, Viber magnate, croupier in S. Africa (*arms trader cough*), & sexual harasser of step-daughters (who he threatened he would have Mossad disappear if she talked). We speculate about the implications of this Z***ist billionaire purchasing numerous homes for this Yale dinner club: namely, that his investment in the society is bc it is serving to promulgate Z***ism among the future elite. We talk Cory Booker helping to found Shabtai & the fact Vivek Ramaswamy was an early member—which causes the Rothschilds to crop up again via the fact Booker was a Rhodes Scholar, illustrating how their influence on settler colonial projects in both the Levant & Africa cont to reverberate thru the ages. Songs: | Oy Division, Daniel Kahn, Psoy Korolenko - "Oy Ir Narishe Tsionistn" |