UNLOCKED - 3/22 as Mass Ritual (Pt. I): Crocus Attack, Skull & Bones Day, Sus Nolan Dossier, & Tenet's Predictive Programming

ParaPower Mapping - A podcast by Klonny Gosch


Pls support PPM by subscribing to the Independent Cork Board Researchers Union on Patreon, which grants access to all Premium Feed eps & the Discord. Your generous patronage can empower ParaPower Mapping for years to come: patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping Using SK Bain's "The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual" as a kind of critically paranoid grimoire, we survey the strange numerological, mythological, & occult synchronicities mutual to 9/11 & 3/22, not excluding the fact that two of the infamous Bush Crime Family architects of the first were also Bonesmen, and that the latter coincidentally occurred on the same Yale Secret Society's high holy day. I'm talking about Skull & Bones. We begin to splay out some of the evidence I've been compiling in my sus Christopher Nolan dossier, including the fact that his production designer is Aleister Crowley's nephew (lending credence to this notion that the film "Tenet" could be evoking both 9/11 & 3/22, as the 9/11 mass ritual was rich w/ Crowleyian imagery & some would argue functioned, in part, as an homage or invocation of the Beast 666) and we also illustrate Chris Nolan + Nathan Crowley's working relationship w/ under-fire MIC contractor B o e i n g during "Tenet" filming, who loaned them 4 helicopters & sold them a 747 they crashed into the side of a fabricated Oslo Airport (again evoking 9/11). We dig in deep on how "Tenet" was based on the two dimensional acrostic or magic square known as the Sator Square, and that its historical use as a talisman or charm and its numerological properties (which we proceed to locate in various aspects of the Crocus attack) is further evidence supporting this notion that "Tenet" presaged the Crocus attack & that it may even be a televisual component of some sort of mass brainwashing MegaRitual stretching from 9/11 to 3/22—perhaps intended to reify the earlier psyop false flag & the War on Terror that it birthed through Crowley's Law of Reversal. We talk about how the Sator Square is made up of palindromes and how there are exactly 8228 days b/w 9/11 & 3/22, in other words a numerical palindrome, further underlining this idea that the two attacks could combine into a kind of occult palindrome. We talk the material particulars of the Crocus attack: some of the sus inconsistencies like the feeble security presence on the day, the fact that the developer behind the Crocus shopping center & concert hall is an Azerbaijani billionaire Russian oligarch who has acted as the liaison b/w Putin & Trump in the past, and purported crypto payments for the attackers. We begin to parse some of the differing analysis of the deep event... Including the Russian FSB's assertions that it was Western intel & Ukrainian backed and the conflicting claiming of responsibility by ISIS-K, which a Dutch-owned expat paper in Russia and NATO bureaucrats have been repeating ad nauseam. We illustrate just how curious it is that the US Embassy's warned citizens to avoid "concert halls & shopping centers" approx two weeks prior to the attack, a prescient alert that smacks of plausible deniability. And we muse about how the Nolan film "Tenet" is like a recruitment advert or promotional propaganda for an elite secret society w/in Western intelligence that has self-assigned the task of ensuring that history remains on its deterministic rails, and how its celebration of spy agencies combined w/ quasi-Crowleyian occult trappings gives off a distinctly esoteric fascist vibe... A kind of Blavatsky-esque ideology of Chosen One/ Ascended Master supremacy that results in the forming of this shadow bureaucracy that controls the flow of time & a single man assuming the mantle of arbiter of all things. Weird. The complete notes & index viewable on the Patreon. Songs: | Ludwig Göransson - "Rainy Night in Talinn" | |Ludwig Göransson - "Inversion" | | Ozzy Osborne - "Mr. Crowley" | | Ludwig Göransson - "Meeting Mr. Neil" | | T r e v or M o o r e - " K i t t y H i s t o r y " |