UNLOCKED: Fin De Siècle Symbolists, Satanists, & French-British Sex Trafficking Networks (Pt. I)

ParaPower Mapping - A podcast by Klonny Gosch


Welcome back to ParaPower Mapping—to tide you over until the next part of the Rosicrucian Road Trip drops in a few days & to build anticipation for the next installment of the "Fin De Siècle Symbolists, Satanists, & French-British Sex Trafficking Networks" miniseries, it's the very first unlocked EP from the Boston Brahmin Watch Premium Feed! Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon to access the full version of Pt. II & Pt. III when it drops next week. patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping This is Part I of a multipart descent into the Decadent Symbolist, Rosicrucian, and Satanic underground of fin de siècle Paris and Victorian London, as well as the related sex trafficking & pedophilia networks that catered to the abhorrent appetites of the monstrous aristocratic elite of the time. This EP covers: the Symbolist writer, son of diplomats, and possible-occultist Marcel Schwob; Aleister Crowley's connections to Schwob; Oscar Wilde + Schwob once again; J.K. Huysmans; Maurice Maeterlinck; Sar Peladan; Peladan's Catholic Rosicrucian order and "Salon de la Rose + Croix"; Robert Louis Stevenson; Schwob's "syphilitic rectal sores"; Wilde's play Salome (which Schwob translated); the Biblical story of Salome, Herod, & John the Baptist; Crowley's assimilation of Salome into Babalon/ Scarlet Woman and his "Jezebel"; the influence of Decadent & Symbolist misogyny on Crowley's writing and occultism; aristocratic traditions of taboo-breaking and pederasty; Crowleyian Thelemic ideas of "justification by sin"; proto-surrealist Alfred Jarry; Ubu Roi; his semi-Satanic closet play Caesar Antichrist; the first-and-only production of Ubu Roi during his lifetime, which devolved into a riot; the fact that W.B. Yeats was in the audience, demonstrating the interconnectedness between the Victorian British & French occult scenes at the time; Crowley's formative time in France; sonnets for Rodin; Schwob connections; shitting on Oscar Wilde; callback to Levenda; Maeterlinck's connection to the French symbolists & his play serving as inspiration for Sheffield Edward's PROJECT BLUEBIRD (MK-ULTRA predecessor); H. Montgomery Hyde—former spy, protege & biographer of Sir William Stephenson (Little Bill), Ulster Unionist MP, and cousin of Henry James... plus H. Montgomery Hyde's strange proclivity for writing book-length works on pederasts, pornography, and homosexuality; the fact that he was deselected around the time of the Wolfenden Report when calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality in the U.K.; Hyde as the source of the rumor that Marcel Schwob died from constipation caused by syphilis from his book The Love that Dared Not Speak It's Name; Joris-Karl Huysmans apostasy and odyssey from Naturalism to Symbolism to Decadent Satanism to Mystic Catholicism; feuding b/w Symbolist occultists & Emile Zola; J.K. Huysmans' A rebours (Against Nature) and its influence on Wilde's Salome and The Picture of Dorian Gray; especially Huysmans' handling of Gustave Moreau's Salome series; preparation to descend into the Satanic underground of Huysmans' Là-bas(The Damned); and finally, Wilde's allusions in The Picture of Dorian Gray to Thelemic, Rabelaisian "Do What Thou Wilt" hedonism and the Cleveland Street Scandal (a scandal where numerous aristocratic men including Lord Arthur Somerset, Earl of Euston Fitzroy, and Prince Albert Victor of Wales were discovered to be frequenting a male brothel that employed young boys)... Songs:  | Kate Bush - "Waking the Witch" | | Alan Tew - "The Detectives" | | Alain Goraguer - "Ten Et Tiwa" | | Françoise Hardy - "Mon Amie La Rose |  | Nicolas Godin - "Quartier General" |  | Serge Gainsbourg, Charlotte Gainsbourg - "Lemon Incest" |