Ep. 31: Lisa Dion on how Regulation Does Not Equal Calm

The Baffling Behavior Show {Parenting after Trauma} - A podcast by Robyn Gobbel


What if I told you that calm isn't best?  Calm isn't what we are working toward!  And prioritizing calm gives other states of the nervous system a bad wrap!  Calm is just a byproduct of an attempt to regulate!  In fact, there are risks to focusing on calm as our primary goal.  On today's episode, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, is an international teacher, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy, founder and President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute, and host of the Lessons from the Playroom podcast.  She is the author of Aggression in Play Therapy:  A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity and is the 2015 recipient of the Association for Play Therapy’s Professional Education and Training Award of Excellence.Lisa and I have a lovely time discussing the difference between regulated and calm, including the risks of pretending to be calm when we aren't.  As parents and clinicians who care for kids with a history of trauma, it's important to negotiate ways within ourselves that we can be honest and congruent with our true experiences (maybe we are mad!) while still remaining regulated and offering felt-safety.  Wait what?! Regulated and mad?!?!Yup.  Regulated and mad.  Have a listen to see what Lisa has to say about this!You can find more of Lisa's work over at Synergetic Play Therapy Institue, including her book for clinicians, Aggression in Play Therapy.**************************************If you loved this exploration into the neurobiology of regulation, you'll love all the free resources over on my website, especially my recent masterclass on What Behavior Really Is!  You can grab this free video series at www.RobynGobbel.com/masterclassWhile you're over on my website, check out my virtual community for parents impacted by trauma- The Club.  A member of The Club, who also happens to work with parents of kids imapcted by trauma, recently wrote to me and said: I’ve been working with families adopting children with trauma for almost ten years now, and it is the best thing I’ve seen in this community to give families access to the practical tools they need to parent their children, but even more importantly make them feel seen, loved, and supported by a community that truly understands their challenges and struggles. What you are building is nothing short of amazing. CLICK HERE to read about The Club and join the waitlist for the next time we welcome new members***Hey, if you listen to podcasts, you'll probably love listening to Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors on audiobook! Download it on Audible or wherever you get your audiobooks!*** :::Overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Check out the START HERE podcast- I put it together just to answer the question "Where do I start?" Get your invitation at RobynGobbel.com/StartHere :::::Want to pick Robyn's brain, hang out with her in Zoom meetings and a forum you can access in an app? Come join us in The Club!Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!Just need a little extra help? Head to RobynGobbel.com/FreeResources