31. Conscious Parenting as an Act of Resistance

Parenting Decolonized - A podcast by Yolanda Williams

Let’s talk about mainstream parenting and conscious parenting. Here is some truth to chew on...mainstream parenting is brutal and harmful and we are all tired. Conscious parenting, on the other hand, is a long and tedious journey but it is worth the sacrifice.The conscious parenting journey is two-fold, and before we can excel in conscious parenting, we must strip off the negativity of our cultural backgrounds and all the social injustices we’ve internalized. We are in a constant battle of mind over matter, and we have to stay in the fight and win for the sake of our children. We must allow ourselves to go through the process of creating new patterns in our minds and neuro systems. It is an internal work that impacts on our children and the world at large. This journey is predicated on focused resistance. Vivek Patel of Meaningful Ideas has been teaching Conscious Parenting concepts to families for over 10 years. The ideas he shares have been used by thousands of families to create more harmony and connection in their homes.His online audience has grown to over 100 thousand people. He has written over 500 parenting articles and created over 100 videos. There is also a book in the works.Vivek cares deeply about empowering parents to develop more harmonious relationships with their kids using a powerful parenting model based on Communication, Connection, and Collaboration.Check out Vivek on social media as he shares his wealth of knowledge:www.facebook.com/meaningfulideaswww.youtube.com/meaningfulideaswww.instagram.com/meaningfulideaswww.meaningfulideas.comwww.gentleparentsunite.com/