Parenting Tips from “Shrinking” S2 E8, “Last Drink”

Parenting Roundabout - A podcast by Parenting Roundabout

On Wednesdays (usually), we share our thoughts on a newer entertainment property. Currently, that's season 2 of Shrinking, a happy fun sitcom that does its best to make us cry every week. This was an extra-sad one, with many characters facing the consequences of their actions (Liz, Derek, Louis, Jimmy) and their mortality (Paul). Like we said, fun and happy! Mentioned: Shrinking playlists on Apple Music (season 1 and season 2).​Next week, we'll watch season 2, episode 9, "Full Grown Dude Face.” (Yes, we're watching this a few weeks behind its initial drops. That's parenting for you!) Look for that on Thursday, January 2, as we continue our shuffled holiday schedule for another week.