Ep. 088 | Deceptive Philosophies on Biblical Discipline

Parenting with Ginger Hubbard - A podcast by Ginger Hubbard - Tuesdays

Are all the different and conflicting parenting philosophies causing you to second guess what it means to biblically discipline your children? Are you concerned that disciplining your little ones is a harsh way to parent and fear it will emotionally scar them for life? Join Ginger Hubbard and Katy Morgan as they take a look at how God commands parents to discipline their children and how to recognize false teaching and philosophies that defy His Word. *** For show notes and episode downloads, go to GingerHubbard.com/Podcast*** Support this podcast:   https://www.gingerhubbard.com/support *** Sponsor for this episode:   BJU Press | bjupresshomeschool.com  ***