Challenging a fundamental parenting belief with Marion Rose Ph.D.

Parenting with PLAY! - A podcast by Helena Mooney


Imagine if everyone felt loved unconditionally. No shame, no guilt. Less violence, less addiction. More love, more connection We'd all be free to be our true ourselves. So why is it so hard to feel that for ourselves? And why is it so hard to give that to our children? Our culture plays such a huge role in our beliefs and actions as parents. And the western one has shame, guilt & blame running very deep throughout. So it's hard to respond calmly & lovingly when your child is behaving in challenging ways. It's hard to not view that there is anything wrong with your child's behaviour. It's hard to not believe that there is anything wrong with you - for feeling angry, resentful, tired, etc, etc. But there is a different way to view our children's needs, wants & behaviour. Listen to Marion & I unpack these concepts and offer an alternative belief to strengthen our children's inner love & confidence. Marion Rose has a background in developmental psychology, psychotherapy and Aware Parenting. She has been my mentor for over 10 years and my very good friend. You can find out more about Marion at