How Play Can Transform Aggressive Behaviour

Parenting with PLAY! - A podcast by Helena Mooney


When your children are aggressive, it can quickly lead you to react & do anything to stop them from behaving in that way. It's easy to believe that you need to be increasingly harsh in order to stop the behaviour or to teach them to not hit or lash out so that they understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. But actually, what your children really need is your connection, and play is a very powerful way to reconnect with them. In today's episode, hear how a mum, Nicky, helped her daughter, Katie, with her aggressive behaviour by using play & discover some new fun games they used, most of which were initiated by Katie. Don't just leave play to the dads. It's time for us mums to dive in and have fun with our kids, whilst knowing we're really helping our children with their emotions.