When Play Isn't Enough & Your Child Shouts at You to "Go Away"

Parenting with PLAY! - A podcast by Helena Mooney


Play is a fantastic & highly effective way of responding to your child in challenging moments. But there are times when it isn't enough. When your child is clearly upset or being aggressive, you need to do something else. What your child needs in those moments is to offload their upset feelings with you nearby. But their response is to often shout at you to "go away". Which can then become confusing (and a bit irritating!) as you would like to respect their wishes, but can also see that they're upset and want to help. So what can you do in those moments? How can you best help your child? Join me in this episode's interview with my good friend Nicky McGrath who has a 5 year old daughter and has been following Aware Parenting & Parenting by Connection since Katie was a baby. Hear how we both respond to our own children in those challenging moments so you can discover how to best help you with yours.