Gallons Of Breastmilk! Haakaa Breastfeeding Pump Review
Parenting With The Zudes! (MyBabyCanSleep) - A podcast by Brad & Greta Zude, #1 Best Selling Parenting Authors

As a breastfeeding mom I bought a Haakaa breast pump to review. It took a minute to learn how to use the Haakaa breast pump, but finally did and used it for 7 weeks. I talk about the crazy results inside this video and show you how to use it, how to use it while breastfeeding, and even demonstrate it! #1 Best Selling Parenting authors Brad Zude & Greta Zude have 8 children of their own and help families all over the world with baby sleep, toddler behavior, teens & tweens, marriage, and parenting. Baby Sleep Visit Toddler Behavior Visit Subscribe on Youtube!