Ten Random Park Ideas

Park Leaders Show - A podcast by Jody Maberry - Tuesdays


Episode 80 of the Park Leaders Show is ten random park related ideas. Individually, the ideas did not make a full episode. Collectively, the ideas create an episode of 10 ideas in 10 minutes (11 minutes, actually, but 10 in 10 sounds better). I recently attended the Ranger Rendezvous and the Inspiring a New Generation Summit. Next on my list is the CA Parks Training Conference, where I will give two presentations and be part of a panel discussion. If you would like Park Leaders founder, Jody Maberry, to speak to your organization or at your event, please reach out. At the Ranger Rendezvous, I was reminded how important it is to belong to a Ranger Association. The Rendezvous is the annual conference for the Association of National Park Rangers. A Ranger Association will introduce you to other Rangers. And you never know who could be your next supervisor, co-worker, or potential employee.  Also at the Rendezvous, I met former Park Leader Show guests Bob Krumenaker and Cassius Cash. Anytime you have the opportunity to converse with a veteran park ranger; you should do it.  If you are a Park Manager, and there is turnover at your park, it is because of you. You don't listen. That is why people leave.  Visible tattoos on a park ranger are a bad idea. Tattoos should be concealed behind your uniform.  Performance reviews are not very useful. But what if people were held accountable for other staff members attaining goals? Wouldn't that promote the teamwork we are looking for? If you are a Park Manager or Superintendent, one of the best things you can do for your agency is to invest in an up and comer. You don't need a formal mentorship program to help someone out.  The John Wayne Pioneer Trail is at risk. The state of Washington wants to give the trail to adjacent land owners. The threat to the trail is a prime example of why parks need to focus on diversity. If there were a diversity of voices from all backgrounds causing a ruckus, there would be no question about the future of the trail.  The Park Leaders Show is due for another panel episode. In the past, there have been panel episodes about Diversity and Communication. What should come next? Forget about adding more policies and procedures. New policies may show exactly how you want things done, but it gets in the way of creativity and job satisfaction.  Want Park Leaders Stickers? You can get those here.