Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors: DEEEEEEER CAAAAAAMP!!! We Talk ALL Things Deer Hunting On This Week's Show
Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors - A podcast by Hubbard Radio Northern Minnesota

It's practically a state holiday. Actually, it's a MUCH bigger deal than most holidays. It's the Minnesota Deer Opener and it's this weekend. So, Kev Jackson covered it all. He talks with Northwest Regional Wildlife Manager John Williams on the deer numbers and health in the region, as well as CWD. He checks in with DNR Conservation Office Brice Vollbrecht to talk safety and statutes. And once you do all that work and spend all that money to get your deer, how do you make it worth your taste bud's while? You listen to Myke Stittsworth of Stittworth Meats on keeping it fresh and clean until you get it to your favorite meat processor and on the best way to prepare it. It's Deer Hunting A-Z on Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit