Stream Trout Season Is Open: We Talk With DNR Specialist Tony Standera. PLUS: BSU Prof Brian Hiller & Student Victoria Simons On Bluebirds In Paul Bunyan Country

Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors - A podcast by Hubbard Radio Northern Minnesota

There aren't many people who DON'T like birds. The chirping when you go outside in the morning, the action at your feeders, it's all part of the Paul Bunyan Country tapestry. BSU Wildlife Professor Dr. Brian Hiller is fascinated with birds, and so, apparently, is senior Victoria Simons. They discuss their study of Eastern Bluebird populations and migrations in Paul Bunyan Country. Plus, Stream Trout season is underway and Paul Bunyan Country has thousands of miles of trout streams. DNR Fisheries Specialist Tony Standera has all the details. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit