Hacker Gadgets - PSW #853

Security Weekly Podcast Network (Audio) - A podcast by Security Weekly Productions


The hosts discuss hacker gadgets! We'll cover what we've been hacking on lately and discuss gadgets we want to work on in the future and other gadgets we want to get our hands on. Paul has been working with some M5Stack devices, a guide can be found here: https://securitypodcaster.com/m5stack-hacking-guide/ We will cover the Clockwork PI "uConsole" (RPI CM4) - https://www.clockworkpi.com/uconsole We want the RPI Pico 2 W and the RPI CM5 (https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/) Paul upgraded one of his Flipper Zeros with Momentum Firmware (https://momentum-fw.dev/) Paul and Larry have the new Crowview Note (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elecrow/crowview-note-empowering-your-device-as-a-laptop?ref=20bm9i) Larry's List: Cheap Yellow Display - https://github.com/witnessmenow/ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display KV4P HT - https://www.kv4p.com/ Lilygo T-Deck - https://lilygo.cc/products/t-deck Helltec LoRa32 https://heltec.org/project/wifi-lora-32-v3/ NRF52840-DK - https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Nordic-Semiconductor/nRF52840-DK?qs=F5EMLAvA7IA76ZLjlwrwMw%3D%3D NRF52840 Dongle - https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Nordic-Semiconductor/nRF52840-Dongle?qs=gTYE2QTfZfTbdrOaMHWEZg%3D%3D&mgh=1 MakerDialry NRF52840 - https://wiki.makerdiary.com/nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle/ Radioberry - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKN1PW4J Bootkitties and Linux bootkits, Canada realizes banning Flippers is silly, null bytes matter, CVE samples, how dark web marketplaces do security, Perl code from 2014 and vulnerabilities in needrestart, malware in gaming engines, the nearby neighbor attack, this week in security appliances featuring Sonicwall and Fortinet, footguns, and get it off the freakin public Internet! Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/psw for all the latest episodes! Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/psw-853