Awkward & Graceful | #108

PawCast with GeePaw Hill - A podcast by GeePaw Hill


In microtest TDD, we describe collaborations as "awkward" or "graceful". The distinction is critical to understanding how the Steering premise and the Pieces premise work together to make TDD a productivity tool. Let's dig in. We talked the other day about understanding & manipulating dependency in microtest TDD. The awkward/graceful distinction is at the heart of this. It can be a long journey to get it all, but it *starts* as soon as you take TDD for a spin in your day job. To get into this, let's take two classes most of us are familiar with: String and File. (I'm thinking in Java, but I suspect much of what we see will apply in most languages.) String is graceful. File is awkward. Let's see what that means. --- You can read the full transcription of this podcast over on Any feedback, you can always tweet @GeePawHill on Twitter, or drop a voice message via the voice messages link here on Anchor. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the Change-Harvesting community, click here to learn how to join GeePaw's Camerata.