Second-Order Refactoring: Swap Supplier and Supply | #46

PawCast with GeePaw Hill - A podcast by GeePaw Hill


As a hardcore user of TDD and refactoring, there are a number of what I think of as "second tier" refactorings that I use quite frequently. In one's first intro to refactoring, one sees a lot of "rename", "re-order", "inline", and "extract". These are pretty potent tools, don't get me wrong, but I think of them as, idunno, atoms. I think of these "second order" refactorings as small inorganic molecules. An example of this would be one I call "swap supplier & supply". Let's take a look, in this case, at a real one.  Episode 46 is live! If you are interested in becoming a part of the conversation, Click here to join the Change-Harvesting Camerata Today! --- If you have any feedback you can always tweet @GeePawHill on Twitter, or drop a voice message via the voice messages link here on Anchor. You can also read the full transcription of this podcast over on