The Right Step | #68

PawCast with GeePaw Hill - A podcast by GeePaw Hill


A lot of folks spend a great deal of time arguing about which step is the right step. A change-harvester would say to stop worrying about this so much. The right step to take is 1) small, 2) not definitely backwards, and 3) not the last one. Let's take up "not the last one". A lot of thinking about change comes with the baked-in idea that there will be an end to it, a "finish line", if you will. We will make a change, or some changes, and in so doing we will cross a finish line, after which change stops. This finish-line metaphor -- I'm tempted to call it a theology -- provides a great deal of fuel to the "right step" arguments. It's so deeply embedded in our thinking it often goes quite unseen: it's a premise at the bottom of huge towers of reasoning. --- You can read the full transcription of this podcast over on Any feedback, you can always tweet @GeePawHill on Twitter, or drop a voice message via the voice messages link here on Anchor. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the Change-Harvesting community, click here to learn how to join GeePaw's Camerata.