Teenager Troubles with Camille Personne CDBC, CCDT Part 1
Pawsitively Dog-Powered - A podcast by Chelsea Murray

Living with adolesent dogs can be challenging. But understanding all of the changes your young dog is going through is essential as you work to balance your training plans and expectations. In this episode I sit down with professional trainer and behavior consultant Camille Personne CDBC, CCDT to talk all about our teenagers, common changes, setting them up for success in your training, and essential foundations for the trail.Learn more about Chelsea's Virtual Dog-Powered Sports Classes: https://www.pawsitivefutures.com/onlinecoursesSupport this podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PawsitivelyDogPoweredNeed More Help from Camille? Recorded Webinar on Managing Arousal: https://www.pawsitivefutures.com/webinars