24 - High Ticket Sales Confidence: How to Make Bank Without Being Pushy, Slimy, or “Salesy”

Payday With Rayray - A podcast by Rachel Bell - Fridays


Be honest. Do you love sales? Learn how to sell with confidence, convert, and sell in a way that feels good in today’s episode of Payday With Rayray. GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more business tips from Rayray here: http://paydaywithrayray.com/episodes/24 Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from this episode:  The difference between permission-based and forceful sales. How to shift from disempowering frames to wildly empowering ones. The 3 different types of buyers. How I learned to sell with authenticity, passion, permission and a bad-ass close rate. The 4 TOP sales mistakes people make and how to avoid them. How to frame your calls and build a clear GAP for your prospect. The best ways to handle objections and CONVERT. Why TRACKING your sales shizz is KEY.